Dear Friends
Our recording of the new, revised SAINTS ALIVE! is almost complete, and we are on track for publication by the end of June, in time for the premiere on 09 July. We have had some fantastic recording sessions, involving many of our well-known CMM singers and instrumentalists, including Katie Leaver, Devon Brown, Sarah Moreton, Rachel Haddon, Nigel Lloyd-Latham, Helen Pollard, Amy Blount, Sharon Collins, Simon and Lou Gudger, and many more! As usual, our producer Chris King, together with Annie Routley and Tim Jones have produced a great track for the performers, and we are so excited about the finished product.
Cash flow is a very present challenge to us all, and such a project has been so costly in time and finance. You can really help us by pre-ordering the CD and music book from our CMM web site: https://www.cmm.org.uk/shop/index.php?id=sa
In addition to publication of SAINTS ALIVE! we look forward to two major events:
25 June-02 July – SAINTS ALIVE music week at Beechwood Court, Conwy
- We’ll spend the week in Acts chapters 1-2, singing through the musical, and thinking about and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit – exciting and great fun!
- Performers and non-performers equally welcome!
- Booking: 01492 593405 or beechwoodcourt@cehc.org.uk
09 July – SAINTS ALIVE! (revised) world premiere – Bromsgrove Baptist Church
- 1.30pm – rehearsals start for singers and instrumentalists
- 7pm – Full production (close by 8.30pm)
- Online booking & Further details: https://www.cmm.org.uk/shop/index.php?id=samiad
- Or email events@cmm.org.uk or call 01527 576440
Mary and I celebrate our 50th (Golden) Wedding Anniversary in July, so we’d love you to join us for this at the Saints Alive premiere in Bromsgrove. No presents, we just want your presence – but a donation to the CMM Trust would be most welcome: https://www.cmm.org.uk/index.php/support-us/
Roger Jones
Christian Music Ministries
01527 576440
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