Dear friends,
We believe CMM still has so much to offer in terms of products and ministry. We really want more people to know about us, including individuals, choirs, churches, schools, house-groups, etc. So we are delighted to announce the formation of CMM Regional Representatives who will be our “ears and eyes” in the local areas, putting folk in touch with CMM and us with them. You really cannot over-estimate the value of local knowledge.
This is an exciting development for us, so please have a look at the list of Regional Reps
Do you notice a gap where CMM is not represented?
Do you know of someone who might be suitable for the task?

If so, please do get in touch with me so we can investigate further. We are looking for those with a good networking instinct, comfortable with internet and media, and who share our vision for spreading the good news of Jesus. No one is a CMM ‘expert’ as we have a wide catalogue of resources, including musicals, collections, backing-tracks, choral and instrumental arrangements, books, house-group material, etc. but promotional work is so valuable to us, and personal recommendation so effective!
Here’s a heads-up for the immediate future:
Late September – we publish Dave Gidney’s Torn Curtain Bible Studies for house-groups and individuals. We’re thrilled with it, and it can be use in connection with my musical or as a stand-alone study.
Mid October – the camels are coming! Three Wise Camels – a musical for all-ages – whether we can get together to sing at Christmas or not, this will bring fun, joy and meaning to your celebrations.
More news in our next mailing.
Don’t forget to tune in to HEART & SOUL each Wednesday 6-8pm (repeats Thursday 11am-1pm) – we have some amazing guests and great music.
Keep in touch – pray for us if you can!
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