Dear friends,
Happy New Year!
This is a very important message. We try hard not to be a ministry that is always asking for money – we’d rather be telling you of the great things happening! But we do need to remind you that we rely entirely upon regular and/or one-off donations from our friends and supporters to enable us to keep going. This has always been so, right from that very first “step of faith” that we took in 1984, and nothing has changed! The Lord continues to meet our needs by inspiring folks like yourselves to support us, both prayerfully and financially.
So, once again, we are asking for your support:
- By becoming a Prayer Warrior – to receive regular news of our activities in order to pray for us and for those to whom we minister, and to listen to the Holy Spirit for “words”, “pictures”, etc, to share with us. No one is an expert at this, but every follower of Jesus is able to hear from him, sometimes in very simple ways. We so value such contributions!
Contact events@cmm.org.uk for further information.
- By increasing or making a regular or one-off financial gift to the CMM Trust. Please click here for ways you can do this.
Without your financial support we will not be able to operate, but, neither can we nor should we without regular prayerful support!
There’s no way we’re thinking of retirement yet, and the Team, Including ourselves, Annie, Tim, Jane and Sophie, and our many associates are raring to get going this year. Just have a look at our 2023 DIARY, and it’s still expanding!

We have our usual 4 Music Weeks, our “Jerusalem Joy” 50th anniversary celebration, and our latest major venture, the “Appledore Christian Music Festival”, plus of course various “Musical Man” events, “Musicals in a Day”, “Heart & Soul” Radio Show (now also on DAB in Birmingham!) and many other events. We are so excited about it all!
Please prayerfully think about how you can support us – and do come and join us if you can!
Roger and Mary
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